Choosing a career from astrology may be a little bit difficult. The charts may give clear pictures that make it easier to see the vocational direction in some instances but may also give mixed results which may not be relied on. However, there are basic rules that can be followed to give direction on the career choice as well as career advancement periods.
In astrology, Career horoscopes are assessed by blending the influences of key houses and planets. Lagna is normally the first house and is considered the most important house to analyze and make judgments. Ideally, the first house represents the person as a whole and thus the planet can be used to shape the outlook of a person. Any person with rising Pisces and who has lag nesh Jupiter conjoined with Venus has a fairly wide range of vocational options. He can choose from entertainment, cosmetic, art, beauty and many others.
The Condition of Luminaries
The condition of luminaries revolves around the sun and the moon. They are the fundamental personalities and will always find expression in careers. For instance if the sun is placed in Gemini and conjoined to mercury and demonstrates some aspects of mars, it suggests a career in computing, communication, information, and technical knowledge.
In astrology, the 10 house are thought to be connected to most careers. Thus, the 10 house with its lord can be used to assess career influences. The house position of the 10th lord can be used to provide the supplement information. In addition, the repeated themes are important. If the 10th lord finds himself in the 8th house, it is advisable that one should start looking at the 8th house careers.
The House Strategy
Finding the best house is another strategy that has been used by many people because it has an influence on the career selection. This is true if the nakshatra and the dispositor are well placed. If Jupiter is placed in the Sagittarius, it guides one towards the religion, law and academics.
In summary, the following should help one know the career that is best suited for him. Those ruled by the planet Mars are best suited to careers in weapons, metals, the milityary or police. Those governed by Jupiter are best emplyed in finance, politics, psychology or sholarly pursuits. With a ruler of Venus one might expect to work in professions such as beauty, treatments, the entertainment industry or hotels
Saturn predisposes us to employment in real estate, agriculture, mining, building or religion. If you are looked over by the moon you are best suited to nursing, travel careers, imports and exports or marine-related employment.
Turning to zodiac signs, those born under the sign of Aries suit work in the police or army, surgery, firefighting, mechanical engineering or athletics. Cancer sign people are perhaps best directed into careers related to naval and marine, petroleum, fishing, interior design or historian roles.
Needless to say one cuold go on and one with different astrology signs, houses and planetary alignments. For a greater understanding of whic career types suit you specifically, then I would recommend a visit to a site specialising in Career astrology.
All that said, it is important to note that it is critical to determine the right planets that realte to you as these are the key to getting the best results. Vital information can be gleaned from the planets house.