While mathematics is present everywhere in the world and universe, there are many people who dont really understand the concept of learning mathematics. People do understand that mathematics is a part of their learning whether they become scientists, engineers, software engineers or something else. However, their concept about mathematics is often not the most precise one. Mathematics is not playing with digits and weird symbols. The real idea behind mathematics is to solve problems. Problem solving has been around since forever and for as long as there are humans, it will exist too.
You could simply take the example of a simple mathematical equation that students learn in their early grades. The whole idea behind solving the unsolved equation is to reach a solution. However, this solution is not found randomly. There are steps involved in reaching the solution. Over the course of solving a mathematical problem a person has to apply several different formulas and follow certain rules. Rules cannot be broken because that will lead to errors. Formulas need to be applied because they have been applied and tested before and rather than taking a long route, they are available for equation solvers to take an easy shortcut.
You could not have ever sent a rocket to moon if there was no mathematics. No one would have ever known the size of earth, movement of moon around the earth and the distance of various celestial bodies from the solar system without mathematics. Things that mathematics does can be magical and unbelievable in nature. A layman can only think about mathematics within a limited lens of vision. One of the best examples of what a person can achieve from mathematics is the discovery of Neptune. Neptune was predicted by Urbain Le Verrier only on the basis of his mathematical calculations.
When these mathematical calculations were put to use and observations were made, astronomers were able to spot Neptune. In simple words, a person with great mathematical skills can go many steps ahead of others working in the same field. A mathematician can use numbers, calculations and predictions to discover things that cant even be seen with eyes and have not been thought of before. Mathematics is around people in their daily lives and they dont even know about it. Think about a cook who has always made pasta for 5 people but now has to make it for 20 people and make calculations accordingly.
It would be wrong to say that mathematics is only for people who want to take a position in a certain field where mathematics can be applied. Mathematics, as a whole, teaches everyone how to solve problems. For parents worried about their kids performance in mathematics, there are thousands of mathematics teachers available online. For parents living in San Diego there are several San Diego math tutoring services that can provide them with able teachers who would not only teach mathematics to kids but will also infuse the true essence and interest of mathematics in them.